
Easy tips to save water and save you money.

Water is a precious resource which we can all protect by reducing our water use. If you have a water meter installed you can save money instantly. If you don’t then saving water will help to reduce the cost of cleaning, storing and distributing water.

These two easy tips can help you save 30 litres of water a week which directly reduces CO2 emissions and your bill (if you are have a water meter).

  1. Take a shorter shower – Did you know the average time in the shower in the UK is 8 minutes, that’s 7mins for men and 9mins for women. How long do you take? Showers use atleast 10 litres of water per shower so having your shower time to 4 minutes means on average 40 less litres of water is used. This all adds up quickly.
  2. Use the small button on your toilet uses half the water of the big/dual flush. So you reduce water usage from 6 litres to 3. How many times do you flush!! (No need to answer that questions 🙂

So, what does this mean in terms of money savings and also CO2 reduction?

Money savings:

  • The cost of a litre of water is approximately 0.3p. So halving every shower can save you 40 litres or 12p. Over a year that can add up to a significant amount – 300 showers a year = £36. Add in the toilet savings based on 2 flushes per person per year = 730 with a reduction of 3 litres of water means 2,190 less litres used. That is another £6.50 a year.

CO2 Savings:

  • Around 2g of CO2 is produced for every litre of water. So taking these two steps would save 28Kg of CO2 a year.

It doesn’t take much to see some real savings that benefit you immediately and help to protect your earth in the long term. If you do not have a water meter, do some sums and see if you can take steps to reduce water and maybe it would be worth having one fitted.

Please do let us know your experiences and any further ideas about saving water. Together we can Share and Save.

Useful links for extra information:

What does water cost?: https://www.southwestwater.co.uk/frequently-asked-questions/bills/what-is-a-cubic-metre/

CO2 produced processing water: https://www.danfoss.com/en/about-danfoss/articles/dhs/the-carbon-footprint-of-potable-water/#:~:text=Less%20than%20two%20grams%20of,about%20189%20kilos%20per%20year.

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