
Beware of Vampire Power – Pulling the plug will help

Vampire Power, Phantom Power, whatever you call it, this could be wasting energy and costing you money. By switching off your unused devices and appliances you could save around £100 a year.

Every device that has a standby mode, an electronic clock or is just left plugged in, with its little charger wire waiting to reattach itself, is using power waiting for you to use them.

If we look at some popular devices, your TV can cost you an extra £30 a year just sitting there in standby mode. However newer TV’s use much less standby energy. Microwaves are unused for over 95% of the day, just switch them off.

Your mobile phone usually takes around 2-3 hours to charge but most people charge overnight which costs more. And if you leave your charger plugged in and switch on while it’s not being used, it uses even more energy.

Urthee saving – Don’t ‘standby’ and see all your money be wasted! Switch off appliances when they are not being used and you could save £100 a year in electricity costs. Doing this would also mean millions of tonnes of CO2 is not released so you are helping the earth as well as yourself.

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