Water Crisis

Water covers 71% of the earth, primarily ocean water. Only 2.5% is drinkable freshwater. With almost 2 billion people lacking access to clean water, we use 25 billion gallons a year in textile production alone. …enough to sustain 5 million people

Energy Crisis

Global energy demands cause greenhouse gas production. Energy Production releases carbon dioxide and other harmful gases into the atmosphere. Ecosystems and wildlife are put at risk. Human life is put at risk!

Climate Crisis

While half a degree of warming might not sound like much, it is. This warming will cause life threatening weather events and water shortages for tens of millions of people.

Caution! Games Consoles Use More Energy Than TV’s?
Beware of Vampire Power – Pulling the plug will help
Easy tips to save water and save you money.

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each small change for the better.

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Collectively we can make a difference and bridge the gap between our desire to live more sustainably without it costing us the Earth.
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Urthee helps you to save money while collectively saving our earth. See how you can save money through small life changes.

Collectively we can make a difference and bridge the gap between our desire to live more sustainably without it costing us the Earth.

Join the Urthee Community, share your ideas and be the change we are waiting for.

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