Why Urthee and how do you pronounce it

How on earth do you pronounce Urthee? It’s Earth..ee.

I was staggered at what small changes were possible and how they would have a cumulative effect on the planet.

Whilst I felt that I didn’t relate to activism, especially extreme activism. I didn’t want to be a bystander.

What could I do whilst it would require change by me, but it was a change that was sustainable. The idea of giving up all meat and dairy was too extreme for me and like my dry January’s probably would last a few weeks and then would slowly make a way back into my lifestyle.

So what small changes could I do and encourage others to do so that our community would make a measurable impact. 

Urthee was born as I know there is the desire and the need for us to work together. By doing that we would have a positive cumulative effect on the planet.

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