
Caring about helping the planet feels like you’re in it alone

You think about what you can do to help the planet. It can feel like you’re in it alone.

Good news! Lots and lots of people who care about the planet like you do are looking for the best way forward as individuals. 

What’s the evidence? Search interest on terms related to Climate Change, Environment, Global Warming, Planet Crisis are higher than ever before in the history of search. 

Google Trends Year in Search is a window into how people are waking up to the environmental reality and exploring what they can do to make a difference.

Is climate change caused by humans? had a massive spike in interest. 

The broad question how to conserve reached an all-time global high as a term that was searched worldwide in 2021. That speaks to the fact that people all over the world are looking for answers for how to make changes in their individual lives to make a difference.

Second hand shoptrended higher in 2021 than ever before. Consumer culture looks to be in a transformational shift.

How does eating less meat help climate change? also received a record number of searches in 2021.

Explore search trends across the globe.

A World of Change project measures searches on the environment around the globe

I experience a real feeling of hope when I realise that so many millions of people across the globe are curious about how to make a difference.

Balancing that glimmer of hope, I am mindful of the amount of misinformation that is widely broadcast to influence the general population’s understanding of the environmental crisis is sinister. The level of effort put into greenwashing is unprecedented.

That is why the time is right for Urthee. More people than ever want to understand what they can do to help sustain our planet. This groundswell of demand deserves trusted, reliable sources of information. Urthee can be that source, a hub for credible, evidence-based information about sustainable consumer choices.

The best practices that individuals have themselves already put into place should be shared widely in a community aligned with their values in a positive and supportive way. The Urthee community is being built as we speak.

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