
Caution! Games Consoles Use More Energy Than TV’s?

It’s true, they do cost much more, and some games consoles can use more than 20 times the electricity to stream movies than a smart TV. That could end up costing you £45 a year extra. Let us explain what is happening.

PS5 and Xbox Series X use CPU’s and GPU’s that are power hungry. Whilst this supports the gaming experience it is excessive for streaming your favourite Netflix series. As an example, a PS5 uses 117kwh annually if you streamed for 4hrs a day. A PS4 uses 139kwh. Compared Apple TV which would use 8.8kwh that PS5 uses 12 times more electricity and the PS4 uses 16 times more.

The numbers are slightly better for Xbox with the Series X using 9 times more energy than Apple TV and the Xbox One 5 using nearly 6 times more.

This does all add up and at the end of the year you could have saved yourself the price of a new game.

And while you are here, games consoles are the worst electrical appliance for using energy when in standby mode! A additional £16 a year cost that can be avoided by turning off your console when it’s not being used. What could you use that money for?

This shows comparisons between PS5/Xbox and AppleTV and Chromecast.

For more money saving ideas see the impact of unplugging your devices here

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