
Climate Change is on the news everyday but what is actually being done about it?

So this is why we created Urthee when we were hearing so much about the danger, but saw little action and lots of promises.

I, like a  great deal of us, recall Al Gore and his documentary, “The Inconvenient Truth”, made in 2006. 

Then, 11 years on,12 December 2015 and we apparently have a breakthrough with the Paris Agreement which set legally binding targets. We would see action, results and measured change. 

I learned that the UN created 17 global goals in September 2015 with the aim to end poverty and protect the planet by 2030. These were adopted by the 193 member states of the United Nations. The goal setting was great; however, as you look at the goals the complexity is in how they are trying to measure them 

Well, there are 17 Goals, that then break down into 169 targets which have been agreed to be tracked by 232 unique indicators. Not surprisingly, for some there is measurement data available but major gaps remain. 

What I saw and felt was that it just seemed to be getting worse. So as I watched the news and saw destruction through, fire, floods and storms, heard about the serious lack of clean water globally and the damage we are doing daily and hearing levels of actions that were so extreme I thought — what small things could I do that if I could encourage others to do that cumulatively we could have a measurable impact in helping to save our earth.


So Urthee was created.. So please join us and share the small things that you do that will help us change behaviour and save everyone’s earth.

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